ConFonz put it in words, here it is in pictures: Sun's JavaOne conference fills the Moscone Center with beanbag chairs, applet hounds, and mobile developers. Paul Boutin provides photos by Patrick McGovern.

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Paul Boutin puts it best: "Quick, someone throw a MacBook through the screen!"

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Splunk booth hunk Vito. That's his name. No joke needed here.

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An assistant holds Scott McNealy's official "Not the CEO!" buck-passing sign.

After the jump, much ado about coiffing.

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"Look, all I know is that I came to this studio stoned, and I'm seeing all these M&M's that I cannot eat!"

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"Oh yeah? Well — well — Jon Schwartz's ponytail is TEN times cooler than yours!"

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Splunk's Christina Noren is about to sic Vito on this man's hair.

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"Mumble mumble mumble Google chefs mumble mumble getting all the girls mumble spotlight-grabbing food hacks mumble..."