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During yesterday's upfronts presentation from CBS, the advertisers and press got an interesting treat: Les Moonves brought out his incoming news anchor, Katie Couric. On her Times blog, Virginia Heffernan writes of Couric's brief appearance:

"A ship is safe in the harbor, but that's not what ships are for," she tells us, explaining her decision to leave NBC. Whoa — a quick, slightly coquettish speech, which she gave while shifting her weight like a teenager.

Maybe Couric was awkwardly shifting because she shouldn't have been there? When NBC allowed her to enter negotiations early with CBS, part of the deal was that she wouldn't do any publicity for her new gig until May 31, when her NBC contract ends. But when faced with CBS king Les Moonves and his hypnotic, blinding smile, a weak-kneed Couric clearly had no choice but to follow his mesmerizing lead — she is but a woman, a woman with needs. And if she can toss a hearty "fuck off" to NBC along the way, then why not?

Couric Helps Out NBC [LAT]
Virginia Heffernan at the Television Upfronts [NYT]