'Post' Reveals Axl Rose, Tommy Hilfiger Fun

After the Post mysteriously removed Friday's Page Six item about a brawl between Axl Rose and Tommy Hilfiger from all later editions of Friday's paper, we feared that we'd all be denied coverage of such an important spectacle. Now it seems that Post wasn't covering up the news but, rather, just rescheduling it so that it could move some sluggish weekend copy. The pulled item was saved for the Saturday paper, so that it could be used as a splashy cover story, thick with reporting:
Tommy Hilfiger really showed his "Appetite for Destruction" yesterday when he pummeled Guns N' Roses frontman Axl Rose in a dispute over a VIP table at Rosario Dawson's birthday party, sources said.
As the punch-up escalated, Hilfiger introduced Rose to some "November Pain" with a blow to the cheek.
Also, holding the story for an extra day gave them time to perfect that brilliant wordplay.
Tommy 'Guns [NYP]
Earlier: Axl Rose, Tommy Hilfiger, and the Disappearing Item