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David Blum heads to the Sun today, where he pens a column that asks the real question about the network news anchor shuffle — and it doesn't have a single thing to do with Katie Couric, Charlie Gibson, or Brian Williams. The real issue: What the motherfuck is Diane Sawyer going to do now?

Sawyer's been at Good Morning America for 6 years, and who how she'll come off without Gibson's warm fuzzies. She's wanted the anchor gig for all of her 60 years, but those slots are filled. Until someone eventually mauls Oprah, Sawyer's only other option (besides staying at GMA) is anchoring PrimeTime Live. As if she'd deign to compete with Ann Curry and Stone Phillips? Oh, hell no. Nobody deserves that.

It's not fair, but there's only one solution: Boca.

Choice of Gibson Leaves Sawyer Facing Questions [NY Sun]