Back to the Future: Martha in Court

Oh Martha, Martha, Martha. Just when her problems seemed to be over — a handmade poncho heals all wounds! — the long arm of the law comes back for a bitch-slap. Today, Thursday, is the deadline for Martha to respond to a three-year-old civil suit filed against her by the Securities and Exchange Commission for insider trading of 4,000 shares of ImClone in 2001. Having maintained her innocence on the same criminal charges, one would suppose that she'll take the same stand for this round, and trial preparations would begin.
Stewart could always negotiate and end things relatively quickly, but that might mean she ends up even more of a black sheep than her broker Peter Bacanovic, who's probably not far from panhandling for a sugar daddy. But if things got that bad, at least you know Martha will make that sugar daddy on her own, using Brazilian sugar cane harvested in her own backyard.