Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Charlie Sheen Spotted Not Far From 'Stick It' Screening

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers. Send yours to tips[AT]defamer.com (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and let everyone know about the time you saw Al Pacino and family skipping merrily along The Grove's trolley tracks.
In this week's jam-packed episode: Charlie Sheen; Jack Black; Al Pacino; Arnold Schwarzenegger and Suzanne Somers; Elizabeth Taylor; Nicole Richie; Brigitte Bardot; Nicollette Sheridan; Freddie Prinze, Jr.; Freddie Prinze, Jr.; Brian Grazer; Ray Romano; Diane Lane and Josh Brolin; Marky Mark; Jeremy Piven; Justin Timberlake, Cameron Diaz, Rachel Bilson and Michelle Rodriguez; Famke Janssen; Jason Bateman; Maria Bello; Jason Lee; Lissa Rinna and Harry Hamlin; Anthony Kiedes & John Frusciante; Megan Mullally; Joey Slotnick; Kirsten Dunst; Jeffrey Ross; Daphne Zunega; Rod Stewart; Anna Faris; Jeff Garlin; Bam Margera and Paris Hilton; Matt Drudge; James Van Der Beek and Heather McComb; Kevin Dillon; Marcia Cross; Peter Berg, Bryan Cranston, and Brittany Murphy; Tom Welling; Quincy Jones and Emily Saliers; Robin Williams; Kate Walsh; Tony Hale; Rosie O'Donnell; Calista Flockhart; James Ellroy; Shane West; Nick Carter; Patricia Heaton and Marcellas Reynolds; T.R. Knight; Jay Mohr; Janice Dickinson; Pauley Shore and CC DeVille.
· Walking from Arclight parking structure to have lunch in their crappy cafe today (5/23) when who do I see but Charlie Sheen, wearing RayBans, accompanied by smallish blonde chick on phone (didn't recognize her) and male hanger-on. Fairly blase', heading away from theatre, nothing special. It's funny how they look like everyone else until you remember the threats they leave on their exes' answering machines.
· 5/27 - Jack Black, new bride and another interesting looking couple at the Urth Caffe in Beverly Hills. Jack was quite affectionate with his very pregnant wife while making her and their friends laugh. Couldn't be sweeter. He's clearly over the moon about about marrying his high school dream girl and that she's having his baby. Can't wait to see Jack Jr.
· 4 p.m. on Friday 5/19, walking through The Grove when I caught sight of Al Pacino, dressed in his usual all-black garb, strolling through the outdoor plaza with one of his twins (the girl) in his arms, accompanied by a young lady with a white floppy hat guiding the boy by the hand. Al looked very cool but very relaxed and was pleasant to the few mere mortals who gave him a kind word. He strolled toward the parking lot with his daughter on his shoulders. Very cute.
· Just saw Arnold Schwarzenegger and his family at a pet shop in Malibu. He didn't seem to have security around him, and then I saw a lot of guys with earpieces, some of them dressed casually, some of them like Agent Smith in The Matrix. Do all Governors get Secret Service? Is it because she is Kennedy Clan? There were a bunch of paparazzi in the parking lot pointing their cameras the other way. I didn't get it until I saw Suzanne Somers drinking coffee with her husband at Malibu Kitchen. They were more focused on her than the Governor. Than she left and the paparazzi focused on the Governor as he talked to the cat lady outside the Malibu pet store. His wife is rather thin. His children are tall.
· 5-30 5 p.m. Old school sighting....La Liz herself (Elizabeth Taylor) getting out of a limo on Sunset going into CNN for her LKL appearance....full hair / makeup, she looked good...in a wheelchair...tons of pap's surrounding her....poor girl...
· Nicole Richie walking into the medical building famous for plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills, chatting on cell phone, saying "It was ugly!" as she passed by.
· 5/24. Stopped at the light on Sunset/Crescent Heights behind none other than Brigitte Bardot in her champagne-colored Jaguar. How do I know? Because I have an unhealthy obsession with "Le Mepris" and I recognized her in the driver's side mirror. And also because her license plate is BBARDOT. Real subtle, Brigitte. Not a cry for attention at all.
· Nicollette Sheridan on the industrial street behind Sports Club LA driving a huge black SUV. Tons of make-up on. She was at the stop sign and a big truck was trying to make the turn, blocking her way. She had to wait for about half a minute and had a screaming fit. Could hear her down the block screaming, "Fuuuuuuuck!!!"
Freddie Prinze, Jr. on Broadway near 15th St. in Santa Monica standing next to two matching classic convertible cars, chatting with a woman and smiling. Looked like he was buying or selling.
Jessica Simpson @ Sports Club LA/Beverly Hills @ 3 pm wearing huge sunglasses, sullen expression, and awful ratty hair extensions. Barely recognized her, looked dumpy, frumpy, ordinary.
Brian Grazer (pre-Da Vinci release - sorry for the tardiness) strolling solo down Camden Dr. Beverly Hills, @ 2:45 pm near Mr. Chow. Just walking along towards Wilshire, no cell phone, kind of smirking and adjusting his jacket.
· Stars: They're Just Like Us! Sushi Nozawa, 5/24, noonish. Pull in behind black Navigator sloooowly trying to back into a spot. Glared at the driver, only to realize it was Ray Romano. Went inside to see if my party had arrived yet (they hadn't) and when I went back outside, there was Ray, who took a look at my face and said, "uh oh, is it crowded in there?" I said it wasn't. Minutes later my party arrived and we were seated, and moments after that, Ray and his party (a guy and a woman, both perfectly normal looking) sat down next to us. And here's the Just Like Us part: not only do Ray Romano and I (and every other yuppie in town) both have the same credit card (that blue Citibank American Airlines one), but we also have the same clunky Motorola cell phone. I'll tell you something you might not know about Ray Romano: he's kind of the hotness. Tall, good hair, great tan...I know! I'm just as surprised as you are!
· 05/27 Mary & Robb's Cafe in Westwood - 11am - Diane Lane & Josh Brolin with their daughters. He had his arm in a sling. He kept his sunglasses on the whole time. She seemed nice.
05/28 Cafe Angelino on 3rd St. - 7pm -Marky Mark picking up food to go. In dire need of a shower.
· Sunday, 5/21, 3:00'ish, Sitting at the corner table outside at Cheebo, my friend and I spot Jeremy Piven strolling down the street. It was overcast so he had on some sort of jacket and was carrying an orange trucker hat. He walked down Sunset and a few minutes later walked back by our table where he gave us a nod and then disappeared around the corner. Two things of note: 1) The man is sporting a full head of hair with no bald spot in the back. The hair LOOKS real in the daylight but we all know the truth. 2) IMDB says that he is 5' 9", if that is the case then I am a sea turtle. He looks no taller than 5' 7" and he small, svelte even.
· I was just at Shag nightclub and the following people were there—Justin Timberlake, Cameron Diaz, Rachel Bilson, Michelle Rodriguez. Wow was that a fun night. Hope this gets somewhere.
· Just spotted gorgeous and tall Famke Janssen from X-MEN walking down Fifth Avenue near 21st street carrying a shopping bag from Fila sportswear about five after 6. She was stunning and so much taller than I had imagined. I wonder what she bought, her bag was packed to the rim
· I was very excited — let's be honest, too excited — to see Jason Bateman and wife (I assume) at Iroha Sushi on Ventura for dinner on Memorial Day. He sat inside and we were outside, but from what I saw through the window (not that I kept looking...), no one bothered him much. He had some thick hipster glasses on and was completely adorable. I love celebrity sightings in the valley! Yay!
· 5/21 - Maria Bello looking rather pretty w/out make-up fitting right in with the cool, bohemian crowd at the Venice Art Walk on Sunday.
· sat 2/20 saw my name is earl (Jason Lee) @ ameoba. 8 pmish. he looked alone and just not cute - though he's not cute on the show either. those ppl who think he is are crazy.
sun 2/21 madonna concert - sat across from rosie o'donnell (she went down into the crowd so everyone could see her and tell her how great she was...those gay boys love her) she had on the same blue jean shirt she always wears. salma hayek sat behind her. i'm sure she looked hot but i couldnt see much of her. Lisa Rinna and her hubby (Harry Hamlin) sat behind us - they are gross. nice plastic surgery. his brother was there and he was HOT with some not so cute girl. finally, saw anthony kiedes & john frusciante front and center on the floor. they couldn't be more bored. how lame. why even waste your time? they are too old and should stay home writing high school songs.
· Monday night, Megan Mullally at Chateau Marmont. Looks SO much younger in person than on the screen. Ran into her in the ladies room, she was super-nice and sweet when I burst out laughing at the childish stall doors.
· This weekend I experienced an unprecedented onslaught of celebrity sightings. Beginning with driving by the corner of Third and Crescent Heights early Saturday afternoon and spotting Joey Slotnick, pacing back and forth on the sidewalk outside Paul Frank talking on his cell phone. Then: I'm 90% sure I saw Kirsten Dunst brunching at Barney Greengrass; the comedian Jeffrey Ross (does he count?) with a full on beard trying on expensive suits on the fifth floor at Barneys; and Daphne Zuniga at the makeup counter at Saks. Supposedly, Rod Stewart was loitering in the women's dressing room at Barneys but I didn't witness it with my own eyes. I did, however, witness Anna Faris at the Cat & Fiddle just hours later. And on Sunday, while walking up South Beverly Drive, I saw Jeff Garlin (from Curb Your Enthusiasm) pull out of the public garage in his hybrid Lexus SUV — I guess everyone associated with that show drives a hybrid.
· 30 seconds to mars at the avalon on june 1st. Lots of "I know that guy from somewhere" type actors, but the big ones were bam margera and paris hilton chattin it up backstage. Saw them again walking out together....they parked right next to each other. Her range rover and his lamborghini. Does he take that thing everywhere? Dude lives in philly. Weird.
· Pretty certain I just passed Matt Drudge walking on Wilshire - not many other guys wearing fedoras today here in the Miracle Mile. He looked kind of startled on spotting me, which seemed odd until I realized what I was wearing (newsboy cap, plaid bermudas-that-could-be-construed-as-plus-fours, cropped hair) made me look like a young paper-hawker and therefore potentially appealing to questionable-cod-Winchellian sensibilities. Most amusing, as I'm female :-\
· About 1:30pm today (Thursday) I'm in the Adventure 16 store on Pico looking at climbing guidebooks when I look up and see a guy who looks strangely like James Van Der Beek, yes none other than Dawson Leery himself. Upon closer inspection I realized it WAS JVB after shadowing him a little around the store. More ruggedly good looking in person than I would expect, wearing a loose white t-shirt and tan outdoorsy pants and lots of stubble on his face. Eyes that would make you melt. Unfortunately, he has a very mousy wife-unit who was there with him (HUGE rock of a ring on her hand). She was short with stringy dark hair and I cannot fathom how someone so plain and unattractive could land a hunk like him. He was purchasing some sort of waterproof padding and appeared to be going on some type of outdoorsy trip as the cashier handed him his bags and said "have a great trip!". He said thanks and quietly left the store. Upon an imdb.com search, his wife turns out to be Heather McComb, who I guess is an actress as well but was totally unfamiliar to me. Maybe she cleans up well.
· Saturday (5-27) saw Kevin Dillon coming out of an open house in Santa Monica. Walked out of the house with a guy (his real estate agent?) but they left in separate cars. Kevin in a black sedan of some sort that was in need of a wash, the agent in a shiny-clean convertible BMW.
· 5/25- Marcia Cross and her fiance Tom Mahoney came in to Starbucks in San Marino. She ordered an iced triple grande latte. He ordered a doppio espresso. She was very affectionate with him while he ordered. They are a very cute couple and seem very much in love.
· My girlfriend got us amazing floor seats at the Madonna concert last Wednesday. Apparently I was not the only straight guy at the show. A few rows ahead of us was Very Bad Things auteur, Peter Berg, with some good-looking blonde woman. She's probably an actress, but didn't look too fake. He seemed pretty casual... I couldn't tell if anyone there recognized him, asked for autographs, etc.
Somewhere to our left stood Bryan (dad on Malcolm in the Middle) Cranston with an age-appropriate woman. Is it me or does he have weird hair? Not quite mullety. I haven't watched Malcolm in ages, so I don't know if it's been like that for a while.
My girlfriend said she saw Brittany Murphy with a possee after the show. I didn't see her since I was off to the bathroom.
· Monday night Dan Tana's (5-22) Superman (Tom Welling) from Smallville
Tuesday (5-23 ) at Barney's 4th floor co-op
Quincy Jones
Emily Saliers from the Indigo Girls...shopping in the men's department, clearly
· Robin Williams is in the Hollywood Hills/Bronson-Beachwood area a lot these days. He was shopping at the Mayfair last Sunday night.
Kate Walsh (Addison from Grey's Anatomy) at Ammo lunch on Friday.
Tony Hale (Buster from Arrested D) at Vista for XM:3 Friday night.
· Two modest slightly outdated sightings: knifing in and out of traffic on my way to Troubadour on 5/22 spotted Rosie O'Donnell riding the BMW with her lover but I pretended it was a bus and the short pixie blond was her sister. Then I laughed. Last Friday (5/26) doing the early morning Brentwood Country Club three-mile circuit and ran right by a power-walking Calista Flockhart. Since she's sort of my neighbor I won't make any catty comments about her funny-looking mouth.
· This one isn't particularly exciting, but my girlfriend and I were at the Border's at Sunset & Vine on Saturday night, May 20, and noticed Jason Lee with a pretty big stack o' books and things, paying at the rear register near the coffee bar, not the front one that most people use. He was dressed casually so I don't think he was going out afterward. Also, he had a neatly-trimmed beard, and I was relieved for him that he doesn't have to go around with the "Earl" mustache all the time. He was alone, and everyone fortunately left him that way. Also, he's really, really tall.
· Spotted briefly at MOCA last Saturday (5/20) at the Robert Rauschenberg opening: the king of L.A. noir himself, James Ellroy, perhaps in town from his current straight-and-narrow life in Kansas City to discuss the upcoming "Black Dahlia" adaptation. If I had been closer (and drunker), I might have screwed up the courage to ask him why he's let his writing go off the rails in the last few years...
· Shane West is a stand up guy! Snuck my way into his table at Element last night. Some fuck job tried to bust my friend and I, and Shane took up for us! He is very nice! Aww Shane!
· I saw Nick Carter walking down Sunset at about 2:00 pm. He was with a younger girl with long brown hair and was talking on a RAZR cell phone. Nick was dressed in jeans, t-shirt and hat looking very "incognito." He left with the woman in a white escalade carrying a few shopping bags.
· Monday afternoon, Memorial day. Patricia Heaton and Marcellas Reynolds from Big Brother shoe shopping together at Barney's in Beverly Hills. She tried on a pair of wedge heeled sandals and her approval. They seemed like girlfriends, laughing and chatting.
· A casual and cute (though curiosly blue-haired) T.R. Knight buying a lawn chair at WeHo Target. Seemed very normal.
· 12.20pm 5-30 Jay Mohr was at the YMCA N.Hollywood, in the San Fernando Valley with lady friend and small child. Douchebag cant park his SUV properly.
· Was a guest of a friend at the premiere last night for the "Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency" show on Oxygen...and spoke to JANICE DICKINSON herself! Although she had no clue to who I was (nor should she), she briefly touched my arm and thanked me for coming! I loved it. Girlfriend looks good although you could bounce a quarter off of her face but she is sooooo skinny. And not in a good way, not even in an actress-with-an-eating-disorder way, but like she has AIDS or cancer kind of way. Her arms are as spindly as my ancient Grandmother's, who lives in a home. I actually read Janice's autobio, "No Lifeguard on Duty" and I know she's obsessed with staying young: doesn't she realize that at least SOME fat fills you out in a youthful way? That woman needs a double double with cheese, pronto!
· 5-30 Just saw Pauley Shore @ Newsroom Café on 120 North Robertson Blvd in West Hollywood! Its 3:05pm..He's with a friend.
· Just saw Surreal Life 6 Alum CC DeVille hiking up Runyon Canyon. My God, that man has the most freakishly white teeth I've ever seen.