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Dorky button-downs, laptop bags, and ten guys for every girl — welcome back to high school chess club! TechCrunch blogger Michael Arrington held a dorkolicious Web 2.0 (TM) party this weekend in Seattle. An attendee and pic-provider says,

There were 2 sponsors showcasing their stuff: Farecast and RedFin. FC had TONS of stuff there and a pretty neat product too. RedFin had a pretty barren room and a table full of gift bags which people hovered around but never asked for which lead to this exchange:

RedFin Employee: Who are the gift bags for?
RedFin Exec: They're for our customers.
RedFin Employee: Well who are our customers?

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Duct tape on a garage door. OMG classy!

After the jump, more pics, with more sour-grapes comments.

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A party is only as cool as the branded cars parked outside.

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Everyone could tell this man had just wandered in and had nothing to do with the party when he yelled, "Get your magic black eye away from me before it robs my soul!"

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Arrington checks to see if Fox Interactive is "buying" someone in the corner.

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The Valley is like the band Menudo, except they kill off older members by spiking their pizza — as this man just realized.

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Another grab-ass attempt foiled by a paper plate.