Somewhere between the stalker-abetting "Where are you now" option and pushing every corporate flunky to tell the whole company their romantic status, religion, and sexual orientation (it's true!), America's hottest social network decided it loves privacy.

Last week, Valleywag's big sister Wonkette posted highlights from Bryan "Son of Bill" Frist's Facebook profile. And yesterday, big sister Gawker published a Facebook pic of publisher Anna Wintour's daughter Bee. And yesterday, Facebook sent Gawker Media a cease-and-desist.

No idea who first bitched to whom, but maybe Wintour or Frist called in a favor. Or maybe Facebook finally noticed that we at Gawker Media love us some Facebook info — like that of Bob Kerrey, Sarah Huckabee, Phil Alito, Luke Russert, and fake writer Kaavya Viswanathan.

Are Facebook profiles private? (If they were, what fun would they be?) Best of luck to the poor kids who forwarded these — according to the full cease-and-desist letter after the jump, they could get booted off the site, and end up broken and hopeless on MySpace.

This image was lost some time after publication.
This image was lost some time after publication.

> >> ————— Forwarded message —————
> >> From: legal
> >> Date: Jun 5, 2006 11:07 PM
> >> Subject: Notice of violations of privacy, copyrights and terms of
> >> service
> >> To: Nick [at], jessica [at], david [at],
> >> alex [at]
> >>
> >>
> >> Attached please find a notice of violations of privacy, copyrights
> >> and terms of service related to Gawker Media's unauthorized
> >> publication of personal and copyrighted information of users of
> >>
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Facebook, Inc.
> >>
> >> Address for notices:
> >> Facebook, Inc.
> >> 156 University Avenue, Suite 300
> >> Palo Alto, CA 94301
> >> Fax: 650-543-4801
> >> Email: legal [at]