
Shallow pockets sue deep ones

Nick Douglas · 07/05/06 09:00AM

What identifies the big players in tech? Revenue may indicate it, mindshare too. But truly deep pockets get targeted by high-profile lawsuits. Take, for example, the lawsuits filed against the Big Three this month, here listed from most worthy to most frivolous.

TiVo owns thumbs

Nick Douglas · 06/08/06 10:00AM

SmugMug CEO Don MacAskill tells me that his photo sharing site got a TiVo nastygram:

Facebook C&D's Gawker for showing super-secret profiles

Nick Douglas · 06/06/06 12:38PM

Somewhere between the stalker-abetting "Where are you now" option and pushing every corporate flunky to tell the whole company their romantic status, religion, and sexual orientation (it's true!), America's hottest social network decided it loves privacy.