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So Philip Kaplan's no longer running AdBrite — I think we established that. Where are all the other geeks moving?

  • Bloglines founder Mark Fletcher is leaving the RSS reader and diving into the conference scene. You'll probably — ugh — see him on a panel soon. [Personal blog]
  • Brent Woodward is headed to prison. The exec from San Jose hardware company Lightwave Microsystems got two years for selling a backup tape full of his employer's trade secrets, joining the throngs of guys throughout history who got in trouble for indiscreet mix tapes. [Mercury News]
  • Chicago-based superstar dev house 37signals is getting shot for an Apple Pro profile video (part of a series about sexy people using Apple stuff). [IM tip]
  • And according to a Time Inc. press release, one of Wired's senior editors is moving to Fortune. Everybody else getting booted in the Wired staff shuffle had best get their game plans straight. [E-mail]