
Mother Jones Undercover Investigation Blown By Producer's Arrest

Gabrielle Bluestone · 03/18/15 10:10PM

A Mother Jones story on the Winn Parish Correctional Center blew up this weekend when a senior producer was arrested for trespass, apparently prompting a second reporter who had been working undercover as a guard to abandon the investigation.

Gabrielle Bluestone · 04/06/14 09:58PM

Journalist and UNC professor Charles S. Stone, the founder of the National Association of Black Journalists, died today at age 89. According to the Washington Post, Stone was so trusted by readers of his Philadelphia Daily News column that "dozens of homicide suspects insisted on surrendering to him."

White House Pours One Out for All the Dead Journos, Waterboards the Living

Mobutu Sese Seko · 03/15/12 02:00PM

The most recent article from The Nation's Jeremy Scahill profiled the imprisonment of Yemeni journalist Abdulelah Haider Shaye. For covering American cluster bomb strikes in Yemen and the radicalization of Yemeni citizens and their support for Al Qaeda, Shaye has been beaten and tortured, imprisoned for two years and, at America's request, seen a presidential pardon from Yemen's Ali Abdullah Saleh indefinitely tabled.

M.I.A.'s Weird Twitter Fight with Anderson Cooper

Maureen O'Connor · 03/15/12 12:09PM

Last time agitprop pop star M.I.A. fought a journalist, she tweeted Lynn Hirschberg's phone number. This time around, M.I.A. accused Anderson Cooper of calling her a terrorist—and then backed down when Anderson turned out to be an M.I.A. whisperer. Apparently you just have to compliment her middle finger, and all will be forgiven.

Journalists Marie Colvin and Rémi Ochlik Killed In Syria

Leah Beckmann · 02/22/12 10:29AM

American journalist Marie Colvin and French photographer Rémi Ochlik were killed early this morning in the Syrian city of Homs. Snipers reportedly loyal to President Bashar al-Assad bombarded the home, located in the Baba Amr district, where they and several other foreign journalists were staying. Sources say that at least two other journalists have been injured, including British photographer Paul Conroy.

Reporter Undergoes Circumcision by Bamboo Stick to Get Scoop

Max Read · 11/08/11 12:39AM

Why is Simon Eroro of the Papua New Guinea Post-Courier a great reporter? He's willing to do anything to chase after a hot tip—even if it means only a snippet of news. Also, he underwent a circumcision to secure an interview.

Literal Babies Will Be Reporting on 2012 Campaign

Max Read · 08/30/11 09:54PM

Now that the American journalism establishment has been almost completely replaced by the Twitter account @depressionbook, how will the twenty or so Americans who care about politics receive their news about the presidential campaign? The answer: Babies.

How Four Times Journalists Got Captured in Libya

Max Read · 03/21/11 10:35PM

The four New York Times journalists who were just freed after almost a week in the custody of the Libyan government told their story to coworker Jeremy Peters. And it sounds as terrifying as you might expect.

'Washington Post' Columnist David Broder Dies

Jim Newell · 03/09/11 01:42PM

Columnist David Broder, who held top reporting positions and then an opinion slot at the Washington Post for so long that he'd been called "dean of the Washington press corps" for 50 years, died at 81 today of complications from diabetes.

Sarkozy Calls Room Full of Journalists 'Pedophiles'

Jim Newell · 11/23/10 01:28PM

French President Nicolas Sarkozy doesn't think much of allegations that he helped fund a political campaign with kickbacks from a Pakistani arms deal. During an off-the-record briefing with journalists, he went nuts, calling them "pedophiles." Unsurprisingly, this didn't stay off-the-record.