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Avenue publisher Manhattan Media annouces today their plans to publish Our Town Downtown, a spin-off of ancient uptown mainstay Our Town. Oh, good — we were just recently lamenting that there weren't enough free newspapers blowing around the streets these days.

More interesting than the arrival of Our Town Downtown is the rationale behind it:

"The demographics of Lower Manhattan have changed dramatically. Young hipsters who may have read publications like the Village Voice and the NY Press have all moved to Brooklyn," says Tom Allon, President & CEO of Manhattan Media.

You hear that? The hipsters have all moved to Brooklyn! We're free! And you, greasy boy in the stovepipe jeans and cowboy boots, chain-smoking on the corner of Stanton and Ludlow? Sorry, but you are no hipster. Either cross the bridge, or find yourself a new stereotype.

Since 'Young Hipsters Have All Moved To Brooklyn,' New Weekly Launches For Lower Manhattan [Fishbowl NY]