SloshCon game plan

Thursday night brings the Valleywag Web Infinity Plus One SloshCon — a conference about the Internet, held at the San Francisco bar House of Shields. The bar tab's topping a thousand bucks, thanks to two new sponsors (Sustainable Web Sites with $100 and Supreme Platinum Sponsor with ten bucks).
Everyone from the Internet will be there. Will you?
Here's the game plan:
- Drinking starts at 9. Events start at 9:30ish.
- BRING YOUR CAMERA. Or microphone. Or camphone. Or camcorder. We're gonna hold a very special event with all this equipment, and it will make you a better person.
- I'll interview programming superstar David Weekly, whose "you call it stalking, I call it preparedness" service is turning into a microcosm of the Valley. (We'll explain why.)
- Geek Entertainment TV host Irina Slutsky will interview someone awesome. That someone will probably be dragged, screaming, to the stage.
- The rest of the night is yours. It's open-mike night for anything and everything you have to say about the Internet. Meanwhile, just hang out — that's what conferences are for.
So come knock a few back and yell about the Net. But if you're not funny, we'll throw our drinks at you — after all, they're free.
Web Infinity Plus One: The SloshCon [Upcoming]
Photo: Cheers [Ken Douglas on Flickr]