
Much love to Web 2.0

Megan McCarthy · 10/17/07 05:45PM

The week of Web 2.0 Summit, with the industry converging on San Francisco, seems like as good time as any to throw a shindig. Everyone's in town for the schmoozefest, so you might get to meet quality people who normally avoid the party scene. While my boss hit the Reddit party, I hopped around town to some of the other events. Three, in fact. VC firm True Ventures held a gathering at their offices on Pier 38, a tech industry jam session — for charity, naturally — occurred across town at the Rickshaw Stop, and VCs Eric Chin and Mike Jung held a private party at Fluid for attendees of their intimate Alpha dinners in Woodside. Who needs sleep this week?

SloshCon game plan

Nick Douglas · 06/08/06 02:37AM

Thursday night brings the Valleywag Web Infinity Plus One SloshCon — a conference about the Internet, held at the San Francisco bar House of Shields. The bar tab's topping a thousand bucks, thanks to two new sponsors (Sustainable Web Sites with $100 and Supreme Platinum Sponsor Supr.c.ilio.us with ten bucks).


ndouglas · 05/03/06 09:10PM

Hump Day's over! Got a couple minutes in the office? (Of course you do, you work at Google and leaving before 7 would be gauche.) Chill with this video of the latest SuperHappyDevHouse, the recently reported geek-out with the cooked-books-detector and sex in the cramped bathroom (sex not in video).

Geeking out: Coding and condoms at SuperHappyDevHouse 9

ndouglas · 05/01/06 10:47PM

This weekend, PBWiki founder and coder Dave Weekly hosted the ninth in his grand series of SuperHappyDevHouses (where guests have included the inventor of the mouse, and where each iteration is unpredictable, like a fractal and unlike a King of Queens episode).