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A Defamer operative sent in this report, and accompanying photographic evidence, of CBS' valiant attempt at thinking outside of the "full-page ad in Variety" box for their CSI Emmy consideration promotional campaign:

Around noon yesterday at the Wilshire Courtyard (E! Entertainment, Variety Offices, etc.) a van pulls up and out hops what appears to be younger versions of the CSI characters. They have banners and other promo goodies, but only stick around to take some photos. Very odd... So I snapped some photos before they were on their merry way. What amazes me is not that they were trying for some crazy version of a Crime Scene Investigation Unit, but that they succeeded in created a depressing A-Team of marketing monkeys. Emmy time in LA...

Creative, though a random sampling of lunchbreak passers-by were, like our operative, rendered more confused and sad by the guerrilla marketing tactic than moved to canvas the nearest Emmy-voter on behalf of the procedural. Still, the campaign was deemed enough of a success to send the CSI Emmy Consideration Van™ out on another run today, though CBS overlord Les Moonves quietly insisted that two of the out-of-work actors cast for the gig be brought out back and brutally dismembered and gutted with a hacksaw, in order to give the stunt more "grisly victim" realism.