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Hot on the heels of her recent morning show widow-bashing, Ann Coulter makes an appearance in today's Times, where media explicator David Carr takes a look at the New Canaan Natterer. It's a wagging finger piece, complete with fanciful line art, and it allows Carr to get off a few good ones at Coulter's expense: She's cynical, "all knuckles and know-how", her pronouncements are "uninterrupted by conscience, rectitude or logic," and she lies about her age (45, if you're scoring at home). So how does a venomous harpy who doesn't even believe the hate that she spews continue to play a part in our national conversation? Carr digs deep to reveal the shocking formula behind her success: controversy causes sales! More in sorrow than anger, Carr concludes "the fact that she is one of the leading political writers of our age says something about the rest of us". We agree, we're all to blame. Particularly those of us who spend over one thousand words in the nation's Paper of Record perpetuating her publicity.

Deadly Intent: Ann Coulter, Word Warrior [NYT]