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President Bloomberg? Although the drumbeat has been barely perceptible for the past few months (unless you read The Observer, which pretty much puts it on the front cover every week) the possibility becomes more appealing every day, especially when you consider the other options. In any event, the needle moved a little bit this weekend when, at a fundraiser for endangered Connecticut congressman Chris Shays, Bloomberg was asked if he would run and answered "Absolutely not. And anybody who's running will say exactly that." Not exactly Shermanesque, sure, but it's not exactly Clintonesque either, which is refreshing. We don't know if this country is ready for a vertically-challenged Jew as president, no matter how many billions he's got in the bank, but stranger things have happened. (Look at the guy who's got the job now.) On the off chance that this impossible dream becomes a reality, we'd just like to issue the following warning to our fellow countrymen who may not yet be familiar with the mayor: Smoke 'em while you've got 'em.

Mayor's 'Denial' Hints at Prez Run [NYT]