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Diggsketeers! When we last left our hero, his news-gathering site was under attack from Dr. Netscrape's AOL NegaDigg Machine (Issue #47). But help was on the way, with a new Diggmobile — the post-Crisis-on-Infinite-Earths Digg 3 (Issue #41)! Will Diggman succumb to the cosmic powers of the evil Dr. Netscrape? Or is the Power of Digg stronger than the AOL Force? While the battle unfolds, watch the superbattler stat sheet!

DiggmanDr. Netscrape
Alter egosKevin Rose, "Dark Tipper"Jason Calacanis, "Yearbook Editor"
DomainDiggNetscape Beta
SuperfriendDiggnation co-host Alex AlbrechtEngadget editor Peter Rojas
Primary powerThe Digg Effect: high-power traffic spikesShapeshifting: No ego keeps this hero in his own identity — Jason's a better mimic than Mystique
Secondary powerControls fanboys' girlfriends like Magneto controls metalMind bullets penetrate messianic Web 2.0 bullshit
Fortress of SolitudeAll of Las VegasEchigo Sushi, LA
FuelBeer, beer, beer, shotSushi, sushi, sushi, latte
Kids! This hero is sponsored by:Captain MorganXerox
Merchandising tie-inBottle-opener sandalsKnock-off toys

Catch more exciting drama in: Scoop: Exclusive screenshots reveal: Digg v3 will cover all news! [Valleywag]
And: Nine signs the new Netscape sucks! [Valleywag]