This Asshole Son Conducts a Great Clinic On How to Scare Your Dad
Adam Weinstein · 05/19/14 04:10PMPonder now the mysteries of the primordial kinship between father and his male offspring. Some fish; some have a catch. Some dads have heart attacks and shit their pants when their sons go on a sustained campaign to scare them. This is one of those father-son relationships.
Digg (It's a Website) Sells for a Measly $500,000
Adrian Chen · 07/12/12 04:43PM
There needs to be a term for when the shining tech star of the previous generation of the internet burns out then sells for less than the world's most expensive dollhouse. MySpacing out? New York tech incubator Betaworks has bought the skeleton of Digg, once a social networking monster—it even got verbed!—for a paltry $500,000, according to the Wall Street Journal.
Elite Yelp Cult Wreaks Havoc on Restaurants and Hors D'oeuvres
Adrian Chen · 06/03/11 10:20AM4channers Are Vampires
Adrian Chen · 05/24/11 12:05PMTech's Winners and Losers of 2010
Ryan Tate · 12/28/10 01:00PMDigg's Big Layoffs
Ryan Tate · 10/25/10 06:16PMDigg CEO 'Deeply' Sorry for Thing He Didn't Do
Ryan Tate · 10/12/10 07:58PMHow To Make a Killing While Your Startup Burns
Ryan Tate · 09/07/10 04:05PMA Turning Point for Digg
Ryan Tate · 08/31/10 06:22PMHow Digg Got Spanked By Its Own Users
Ryan Tate · 08/30/10 01:54PMThe Wedding Proposal Geek-Off
Ryan Tate · 08/09/10 06:36PMIs Digg Being Hijacked by a Right-Wing Fringe Group?
Max Read · 08/05/10 10:46PMWas Digg's CEO Ousted Over Inflated Traffic?
Ryan Tate · 04/06/10 03:01PMHow Will Digg Founder Kevin Rose Juggle His Tough New Job and Food Blogger Girlfriend?
Adrian Chen · 04/06/10 02:09AMCEO Ditches Digg: Is the Dream Over?
Ryan Tate · 04/05/10 03:01PMFrom Poster Boy to Fright-Night Costume
Ryan Tate · 11/02/09 06:24PMApple's Conference Breaks Digg
Ryan Tate · 06/08/09 12:39PMDigg's Fratty News Site Has a No-Homo Policy
Owen Thomas · 05/07/09 12:09PMThe Global Village Is Too Poor for YouTube
Owen Thomas · 04/27/09 02:07PMJust a few years ago, venture capitalists pushed Internet startups to conquer every last corner of the world. Now they're asking why they don't just pull the plug on the Third World.