Elvin Chaung, Facebook Extortionist

A commenter alerts us to the MySpace profile of the charming playa at right, who happens to be Elvin Chaung, the 20-year-old Hunter College student facing charges of extortion. He only has 17 friends, but that's because he's too busy using Facebook to finagle nude pics out of remarkably unwitting young women. He may not look too clever, but he's a genius when it comes to manipulating online hotties with names like TrixieLuv69 and MizGoddess. Best of all, Elvin's MySpace profile reveals that he's a Buddhist. So if something is not given to him, he shall not take it — but if a bunch of chicks want to hand over naked photos of themselves, he's got zen clearance.
Elvin [MySpace]
Earlier: MySpace User Masturbates to the Idiocy of Others