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· Apple is in negotiations with major studios to move iTunes into film, but the studios don't like Apple's plans to sell all movies for $9.99, wanting to maintain their ability to price "popular content" higher than run-of-the-mill, back-catalogue "crap." [Variety]
· Inside a recent pitch meeting at DreamWorks: "OK, think Groundhog's Day, but with Valentine's Day instead." "Sort of like Groundhog's Day, or exactly like Groundhog's Day?" "Exactly like it." "Sold!" [THR]
· Even World Cup soccer can't dampen the foreign moviegoer's appetite for boring blasphemy, as Da Vinci Code wins its fifth straight weekend at the international box office. [Variety]
· Game 5 of the NBA Finals leads ABC to victory over NBC's and its latest summertime schedule spackle, Treasure Hunters. (Go team Busty Grad Students!) [THR]
· Netflix reveals plans for a subscription-based film downloading box, which would help it compete with cable companies' VOD offerings as well as frustrate all but the most devious of movie-pilfering mail carriers. [Variety]