With all the hoopla in the tech world over trivia like censorship or the turning of political dissidents over to oppressive foreign governments, it's good to know that this weekend, brave protesters picketed the San Francisco Apple store for that most basic of human rights — the right to play all kinds of music on the iPod. Blogging filmmakers Kent and Jen publish video from the Digital Rights Management protest.

quality="high" width="320" height="256" name="movie" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer">

Sure, sure, seethe at their self-righteousness. But come on, what matters more day-to-day: a couple of executed Chinese bloggers, or putting your kick-ass pop mix onto your friend's iPod?

Anti-DRM Protest in San Francisco [Ebb and Flow blog]