Like an arthritic Lazarus, Post gossip dowager Cindy Adams comes forth from the tomb this morning to alert New York that — and you might want to sit down, this is a hell of a scoop — there may be a spot of bid-rigging in the construction industry. Cindy, who recently blew the lid off that whole "special treatment for politicians" scandal, is too coy to reveal specific details, but she can go far enough out on a limb to reveal that the nefarious shenanigans are taking place "in Long Island," and they're being looked at "by the Feds."

We can't wait until tomorrow, when Cindy covers the waterfront. We're not going to spoil the surprise, but here's a hint: The unions down at the docks? They're not exactly on the up-and-up.

Heather Mills Holding Cards [Cindy Adams (bottom of page)]
Earlier: Cassandra-like Columnist's Prophetic Warnings Continue to Go Unheeded