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Brooke Parkhurst, the blogger behind Belle in the Big Apple, has been dutifully blogging, in serial form, about her experience interviewing for Page Six (much like the tumbleweed, she didn't go for the job). In her second entry, she tells of actually entering the Page Six playpen and, bless her brave little heart, sitting down with Page Six editor Richard Johnson and executive editor Steve Cuozzo. What we learn:

• The office is full of skeezy men who delight in ogling.

• Richard Johnson is "strong and silent," which means he's either intently listening or quietly ogling.

• Steve Cuozzo has a "disturbing gaze," which means he's blatantly ogling because he can.

• Johnson checks his email during the interview, as it's the only thing he can do to keep from ogling.

And the real kicker: when not straight-up ogling, they actually pretend to care about an interviewee's "journalism qualifications." Huh?! What sort of gossip column wants that? Surely they didn't mean it; it must have just been secret code for, "Will you blow Armin from Bungalow?"

Inside 'the Page' [Belle in the Big Apple]