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The almost-but-not-quite-jailed Time magger will be the new business mag's Washington editor, according to a press release just issued. It's not just yet another attention-grabbing hire for the mag, but it also answers the what-now-for-Matt question, which has been percolating since his near-imprisonment for refusing to testify in the Plame case. He had been Time's White House correspondent when he was subpoenaed the special prosecutor, but he couldn't really go back to that gig after all that legal brouhaha. A vet of all three newsweeklies, it seemed unlikely he'd go back to one of the other two. And his current gig, editing for, didn't seem — even in Time Inc.'s current we-love-the-web moment — a natural fit for a high-powered reporter type like him. Conde — and, no especially, a Conde salary — takes care of all that rather nicely, don't it?

(Worth noting: Women's Wear's Sara James had it first, even before the announcement.)

Full release after the jump.

June 23, 2006
Perri Dorset: 212.286.XXXX/917.544.XXXX


Matt Cooper has been named Washington Editor of Conde Nast Portfolio, it was announced today by Joanne Lipman, Editor-in-Chief of the magazine. His appointment is effective in September.

"Matt is one of the most brilliant political minds in the business," Ms. Lipman said. "He has also been an inspiration to journalists everywhere and we are delighted to have him as part of our team."

"TIME is a great American institution and, where I've worked the last few months, a great site and I know they'll get stronger under my friend, Rick Stengel," Mr. Cooper said. "The company also stood by me, personally and financially, during the Plame case and I'll always be grateful for that. But startups are rare and the chance to be present at the creation of something new was impossible to resist."

Mr. Cooper joins Conde Nast Portfolio from TIME where, since April, he was the Political Editor for In 2003 he was named White House Correspondent for the magazine after serving as the Deputy Washington Bureau Chief. Prior to joining TIME, Mr. Cooper served as Washington Correspondent for Newsweek from 1996-1999. In addition, he wrote the "White House Watch" column for The New Republic, was Atlanta Bureau Chief for U.S. News & World Report, and was an Editor at The Washington Monthly. Mr. Cooper moonlights as a stand-up comedian and was named "Washington's Funniest Celebrity" in 1998.

Mr. Cooper holds a bachelor's degree from Columbia University. He lives in Washington DC with his wife Mandy Grunwald and their son.