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A Defamer operative spotted Katie Holmes on one of her exceedingly rare trips outside the reality-controlled confines of the Cruise compound on Saturday night, and in the process, snapped the post-Miracle-Baby version of a bigfoot photo:

My husband and I spotted Katie Holmes exiting the LA Farmer's Market (3rd and Fairfax) on Saturday night. I tried taking a picture but my camera inexplicably focused on the trash can so the actual people in the photo came out blurry. Anyway, she turned around a couple of times and it was definitely her. She was doing that weird Katie Holmes smile. She was sans baby but was with an older woman wearing white. We didn't see any handlers or security. She was just sorta strolling with her mom (?) and no one seemed to notice.

Perhaps the reason that "no one seemed to notice" was that nearly everyone in the Farmer's Market was secretly part of Tom Cruise's incubator-retention team, on location to ensure that Holmes didn't utilize her precious moments of simulated freedom to do something regrettable, like promise the guy at the BBQ stall that she'd split what's left of her first-year fiancee salary with him in exchange for a ride to the Mexican border.

UPDATE: A reader with better knowledge of Holmes' mother's physical appearance than we do writes, "Katie's mom has a full head of gray hair, at least she did a month or so ago, this is probably a 'handler.'" Another tries to positively identify the back of the mystery companion's head: "I believe that the motherly looking lady is Tom's mom. Well, at least from the back it [looks like her]! I can't seem to find any recent pictures of her to see what her hair looks like but for some reason I am pretty sure it is her."