
Hundreds of Celebrities Spied on By State Department Rogue

Ryan Tate · 10/06/10 10:40AM

A government clerk has been charged with improperly accessing computerized passport data on hundreds of celebrities and their families. Lindsay Lohan's sister Ali had her information compromised, and the family is up in arms.

Welcome to Paparazzi University

Ryan Tate · 09/17/09 01:32PM

Cameraphone-toting fans are apparently ruining the lives of college football stars. Campus jocks can hardly booze it up at a parties or enjoy young women spontaneously removing their shirts for them without the moment ending up on Facebook. So awful.

Madonna Betrayed By Spying Servant

Ryan Tate · 12/08/08 10:00PM

Madonna's estranged brother Christopher Ciccone must be smirking at the news coming out of a British court: The singer claims an interior designer she hired to work on her Beverly Hills mansion surreptitiously photographed pictures of her wedding to Guy Ritchie, then sold them to the Mail On Sunday, which published them in October. Madonna wants $7.4 million in copyright damages from the paper and has identified the designer as Robert Joseph Wilber, heretofore unknown to the public. Of course she could have avoided this whole mess if she hadn't screwed over and disowned her interior designer brother, who worked on that very mansion.

Emma Watson Too Sexy For A Talking-Mouse Movie Premiere

Seth Abramovitch · 12/08/08 02:30PM

The last thing we expected on our trip to the Arclight yesterday afternoon to catch a little Frost-on-Nixon action (who knew the most unlikely love story of awards season would be the smoldering, Burns/Smithers combustion going down between Kevin Bacon and Frank Langella? Sheesh—get a room, you two. And don't record it!) was to stumble upon Hermione Granger herself, aka Emma Watson, dressed up like something of a red carpet premierebot in high heels and a posterior-showcasing dress for the debut of The Tale of Despereaux.

Defamer Exclusive: JC Chasez And Chace Crawford's Cabana Rendezvous...With Photo!

Seth Abramovitch · 03/24/08 05:58PM

Chace Crawford, the Gossip Girl star so pretty that one bat of his lashes is enough to instantly knock crowds of his tweenage fanbase clear unconscious, has been linked quite a bit lately to former NSYNC member JC Chasez. Not even a suspiciously timed and worded Page Six item describing the actor as being "surrounded by women" seemed to quell the rumors regarding these frequent bunk buddies. Now, via cameraphone-equipped operative, we bring you this latest addition to the Defamer Citizen Paparazzi files. It's an eyewitness account of what Chase and J.C. (can we just give them a celebrity couple's name already? Chésee it is!) were up to over this unseasonably warm L.A. weekend:

Citizen Paparazzi: James Woods Handles His Own Baggage

mark · 01/05/07 06:53PM

We at Defamer love little in life more than when one of our readers goes through the trouble of eroding a famous person's privacy in a trivial way by surreptitiously snapping a blurry cameraphone image while they're in the act of doing something utterly mundane. (Stars, after all, are just like Us! Except with millions more dollars and an entire industry dedicated to documenting their every fart.) Our latest citizen paparazzo caught Shark actor James Woods by an LAX baggage claim on Tuesday; sadly, Woods was not accompanied by age-inappropriate snuggle-buddy/niece-like companion Ashley Madison, robbing us of an opportunity to make a gratuitous joke about how he might have patiently explained the difference between this kind of carousel ("I'm sorry, the horsies are never coming around, baby.") and the one in Griffith Park he used to take her to when she was 5.

Citizen Paparazzi: Mel Gibson Passes By Lobby Crafts Fair Without Incident

mark · 11/30/06 04:45PM

A spy just sent us this blurry cameraphone image of embattled Apocalypto director and recovering-anti-Semite-about- town Mel Gibson browsing the crafts table in the lobby of the Santa Monica office building where EMI, FremantleMedia, Lionsgate and other media concerns make their home. We don't know the purpose of Gibson's browsing or if he made any purchases, but it temporarily warms our cold hearts to imagine that he picked up a dreamcatcher to enclose with the considerate note he's planning to send to Michael Richards, hoping that the trinket lets his fellow victim of relentless media persecution know that there's someone out there thinking of him.

Citizen Paparazzi: Real-Time Stalking Joey Lawrence At The H&M

mark · 11/16/06 08:23PM

The Defamer Special Correspondent on the Shopping Habits of Former 'Tiger Beat' Cover Models is on the scene at the new H&M store in the Beverly Center, fearlessly providing us with this blurry cameraphone photo and a real-time report on the whereabouts of off-puttingly smooth-headed Dancing with the Stars also-ran Joey Lawrence. Blackberries our operative as he tries to avoid detection:

Citizen Paparazzi: Will Ferrell Avoids The Election Day Rush

mark · 11/10/06 04:51PM

A Defamer operative eager to celebrate one of Hollywood's highest paid citizens for doing his civic duty submitted this blurry cameraphone photo (always our favorite kind) of Will Ferrell in the act of voting early at the Beverly Hills City Hall last Friday. Unfortunately, however, the spy was too respectful of the sanctity of participatory democracy to further encroach upon the actor's privacy, and failed to position himself in a place where he could snap a picture of Ferrell's actual ballot, robbing us of the knowledge of whether he stood in solidarity with Hollywood peers Brad Pitt and Suri Cruise on their public support of the eventually defeated Prop 87, or if he helped deliver Arnold Schwarzenegger to a second term as Governator.

Citizen Paparazzi: Katie Holmes Appears In Public! UPDATE

mark · 06/26/06 07:29PM

A Defamer operative spotted Katie Holmes on one of her exceedingly rare trips outside the reality-controlled confines of the Cruise compound on Saturday night, and in the process, snapped the post-Miracle-Baby version of a bigfoot photo: