Defamer Moving Sale: 'Famous' Producer's Furniture Must Go!

Defamer is committed to keeping its readers updated on exciting opportunities to obtain the furniture of famous producers who seem to be in a hurry to unload the contents of their offices. A partial listing of the items offered by an anonymous Craiglist user:
Famous Hollywood Producer's Couch, Desk, and Office Furnature For Sale All furnature must be gone by the end of the week. Set up an appointement to come by.
Top Quality 2 piece Black Leather Couch and King Chair Set
With Glass top coffee table with Matching Side Table
Hardwood Executive Desk with Matching Runner
Wood bookcase
This is probably just a coincidence, but today's THR reports that the time-delayed pinkslips previously issued to 44 DreamWorks employees also require that they "must be gone by the end of the week," so buyer beware: This "Hollywood producer" trying to sell an office full of furniture might actually be some left-behind staffers trying to move some soon-to-be vacated desks.
Of course, we welcome your insights into the possible identity of this "famous producer" with a pressing need to liquidate his office furnishings by Friday.