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Meta-gossip: over at the Daily News, George Rush & Joanna Molloy's two beloved stringers, Chris Rovzar and Jo Piazza, have legally emancipated themselves from their gossip family. After two years of alcoholic reporting, they're both moving up to the News' feature section, where they'll bend to the mercurial will of editor Orla Healy. If they can handle the mandatory late nights at Bungalow, surely they'll be able to endure the Irish terror.

Both Chris and Jo have agreed to stay with the column until adequate replacements are found (a job listing should be going up on Mediabistro later this afternoon); for their sake, hopefully the search will go a bit more smoothly than that of Page Six.

Meanwhile, we've heard Lloyd Grove's fluffer, Katherine Thomson, has been spotted conspicuously photocopying her clips. Which could be the sign of a mass underling exodus, or just a really lame scrapbook project. Lloyd does love his scrapbooking club!