This image was lost some time after publication, but you can still view it here.

The Gay Pride parade came and went on Sunday with the usual fanfare and excitement afforded by wet rainbows, soggy Metrobears, and disappointing poppers. At the post-parade gathering at the pier, however, blogger Scott Anthony claims to have witnessed quite the buzzkill:

At one point, people backed away from this area, and so I look over and a verbal spar has broken out between a white man and a black man. I don't really know what it was about, but the white man swung his umbrella at the other's head and broke it in half. He turned around with an I-dare-you look of machismo, and the man waited a moment before coming up behind the man, punching him as hard as he could in the back of the head, and then stabbing him repeatedly before sauntering off into the crowd.

After a quick search, we can't find this reported anywhere. Was it just not Puerto Rican enough for the local news?

Gay Pride [Scott Anthony Dot Org]