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Many of us snickered in delight as we witnessed the Circle of Celebrity Karmic Comeuppance do its thing and dispose of Star Jones. We erroneously assumed, however, that once the shit hit the spinning blades of Barbara Walters' unhinged fury, Jones would simply splatter against the faces of the studio audience, never to be heard from again. This does not appear to be the case, however, as she has emerged intact, and is doing the media rounds. Because we do anything we can to help you avoid listening to her speak, a Jones-on-the-offensive round-up:
· On Larry King Live last night, Jones stuck by her right "tell the truth" about being fired, having felt audiences might have seen through Barbara Walters' plan of telling the world she was leaving her job at The View for an exciting opportunity to become Payless Shoe Source's first Celebrity Corn-Awareness Activist. [Bonus: Did one of them let 'er rip?]

· Jones trucked it over to the Today Show this morning where she told Al Roker (Matt Lauer's too big for this shit), "When (Rosie) started making comments about my family, I didn't understand." She was of course referring to O'Donnell's quote in New York magazine about husband Al Reynolds' "supposed gender-identity issues," and her confusion is completely forgivable: Just because he likes to sleep with men doesn't mean he wants to be a woman. Out n' proud O'Donnell should know better than to lump all LGBTs into one category.
· NY Daily News JV Gossip Lloyd Grove asked some media watchers how bright Star's future looks: "'She needs to announce something relatively soon,' said Bill Carroll, director of programming at Katz Television Group. 'Our collective memory goes by in a heartbeat. All of a sudden, you're Joan Lunden.'" While it may seem harsh, Carroll is to be commended for his merciful restraint in not putting the indefinite article in front of her name, rendering "a Joan Lunden" the default terminology for any long-forgotten network morning host wallowing in the outer reaches of basic cable.