They may not be able to agree on a design, a memorial, or even a proper timeline, but the wise folks behind the rebuilding of Ground Zero have come up with something that's even more important: a web site! That's right, the Post reports that the Mayor and the Governor will be joining forces to introduce the thing this morning:

Dubbed "This is 2010 . . . It's Happening Now," the campaign is aimed at giving residents and workers in lower Manhattan real-time information about the $20 billion in construction projects that will be ramping up this summer. The Web site,, includes a computer-animated tour of many of the projects, from famed architect Santiago Calatrava's transit hub to the Freedom Tower.

Which means, essentially, it's a MMRPG where nothing ever happens. On the plus side, if you click on the icon of Danny Libeskind's glasses you get to hear Pataki called a "cocksucker" in lightly-accented English.

Downtown Web Peek [NYP]