We simply can't look away from tragiumphant Isobella Jade, the bewitching ragamuffin who has been living out of a suitcase and working herself as a succesful 5'2" model. FishbowlNY first discovered Isobella's genius when she pitched her memoir in an email written completely in the third person; her story focuses on her rise to vagrancy and was written entirely while in the Soho Apple Store, the office of choice for many an itinerant genius.

But it looks like Isobella's incessant self-marketing has done her some good: some publishers have reportedly contacted the wee vixen, and she'll be doing a series of readings — where else? — at some West Coast Apple stores.

Meanwhile, we were just thrilled to receive an email from the budding young star, in which she clarifies that only 10 pages of her book are about the Apple Store, where she stood and wrote the whole thing in heels. After the jump, revel in her ramble.

I thank you for the interest and write ups on Gawker.com....

I have been a nude model and even today I am a body parts model,going on castings for body double and "parts" ad campaigns such as a shoot I did for Braun Razor. But just for the record, yes I have done nude work before, but I am not a successful nude model...I am trying to be a successful "body parts model" and I have had my share of nude modeling with amatuer photographers, but these days it is about the ad campaign, the brand, the commercial, the paycheck. I have a college degree in Advertising and Marketing from New York Institute of Technology but after I touched the surface of modeling in college I chose to not claim to the suit stable world and instead run for the day to day grind of freelance modeling, finding my own work, becoming my own agent and giving up everything from my apartment to my clothing, to my stability for my dream and pursuits. This is something I am living today and I am still sleeping on friends couches and going on castings and I am living what I am writing about right this second. The book isn't a show show of my resume or flaunting my acomplishments, it is written for the underdog in any form of pursuit and it is a story about going from amatuer nude modeling to modeling in a professional manner and with well known brands. The book is based from the years 2001 when I am running in between my college classes to go on photoshoots with amatuer photographers for 100 bucks an hour to the year 2006, when I am living out of a suit case and pursuing modeling at a different level and marketing myself. It is about becoming a business women and the transformation I made from modeling for my ego and modeling for my sole income.

My most recent jobs this past month were a commercial for VH1, and it modeling for Teen Vogue and modeling for watch company EOS and White Mountain Shoes. I am a go-getter and this book was written at the Apple Store, but the book isn't about The Apple Store, only about 10 pages about the store... but the store has been a major factor for me to continue freelancing,since this past year and even today I do not have a computer or internet connection, it is kind of hard to have that when you don't have an apartment or electricity. But I have chosen this, I have a college degree, I have an education and another life out there with a stable paycheck if I wanted it. But I didn't throw out all of my clothing and live out of a suit case, and eat dollar menu at Wendy's and go to the Apple Store almost everyday for a year and half for nothing. The Apple Store has been a source for me to continue to do what I love and 90 percent of my resume has come from jobs I have obtained from research I have done on the Imac computers in the soho retail store. How do I write a computer in heels in a public place, for hours at a time? Well if I get a phone call for an audition or casting they sure of hell wont hire me in sneakers. What everything comes down to is: I am too emotionally effected by my pursuits to stop pursuing and my book is about just that.

5'2" Homeless Model's Story Generates International Appeal, Publisher Interest [Fishbowl NY]
Earlier: Gawker's Coverage of Isobella Jade