New Subway Ads Will Make You Wish You'd Been Stabbed Instead

It's hard enough to take the subways these days, what with the incessant heat, summer odors, and random risk of being attacked by power tools, but those of you unfortunate enough to need to transfer between the A/C/E and 1/2/3 lines at 42nd Street will be subjected to a whole new assault: the ministrations of Jews for Jesus. That's right, it's JFJ month here in New York, and the controversial group, whose belief that Judaism is even better when you add a little Jesus to it (which, quite frankly, we thought was the whole idea behind Christianity in the first place) has bought ads throughout the entire corridor between the two lines. While some might find this to be an overly aggressive attempt to recruit new membership, we're of the opinion the organization only purchased so many spots because of the presumable volume discount involved. Let's be honest: They may love Jesus and all, but they're still Jews.