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Since a man got fired for reading Valleywag, it's time to solve the problem of office-hours wag-surfing.

Your mission is to create a worksafe stylesheet for Valleywag. Mimic spreadsheets, lines of code, anything that looks like work, not gossip, from across the room. Make a plug-and-play stylesheet for the main site or XML feed. Send your files, or a link to a working model, to

We'll show all working submissions on Valleywag. The best hide-a-wag (picked by the editor) gets hosted on Valleywag, and the winner gets the 4x5 Wacom tablet pictured above.

Designers and weekend stylesheet kiddies, have at it! Give working readers an excuse for laughing. "Sorry, boss. Python control flow statements just crack me up sometimes. You want to try a couple?"

Prize: Intuos3 4x5 tablet [Wacom]
Inspired by: Man fired for laughing at Valleywag [Valleywag]