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If you're anything like us, you too are searching for any crumbs of explanation for what could have possibly come between two beloved TV personalities who once called each other friend, Star Jones and Rosie O'Donnell. NY Daily News JV Gossip Lloyd Grove thinks he may have some answers, singling out O'Donnell's May 12, 2004 appearance on The View as the day their mutual loudmouth lovefest went sour:

O'Donnell suggested that women "stand up and scream" to protest Martha Stewart's felony conviction, and former prosecutor Jones Reynolds vehemently objected.

Rosie: "Here's what I love. The black community said you cannot have O.J. Simpson, you cannot have Jayson..."

Star: "No, excuse me! ... And if the black people had a vote, they did not tell me."

Rosie: "Honey! Honey, listen to what I'm saying. ... The black community said you can't have the basketball player Jayson Williams, you can't have him. ..."

Star: "There were two black people on the jury!"

Grove then reports about an unsuccessful attempt by View den mother/control freak Barbara Walters to elicit an apology from Jones for, from as best as we can surmise, refusing to "stand up and scream" in defense of Martha Stewart, and taking offense to O'Donnell's race-baiting remarks. This tale of schoolyard-level daytime TV bullydom certainly helps build Jones' case that the View deck was stacked against her for quite some time now, though we think she's probably veering into paranoid territory in voicing her suspicions that Oprah is purposely leaving her out of all secret black people votes.