'Daily News' Introduces Silencing Blog Policy

The Daily News has issued a paper-only memo today outlining the paper's policy on blogging, seemingly apropos nothing (though maybe, some speculate, in reaction to reporter Derek Rose's blog). It begins grandiloquently:
The practice of blogging, as a popular form of expression, necessitates the establishing and communication of a Daily News Policy on Personal Blogging by Daily News Employees (copy attached).
We love it when spitting your crazy out onto a cold, dead screen is referred to as a "practice." Makes us feel so fancy! Some policy highlights:
When staff members write on or contribute to a web site or blog, they may not identify themselves as employed by or affiliated with the Daily News.
This activity make take place only on the employee's own time, and the company's computers or other facilities may not be used.
Text, photographed or art that belongs to the Daily News, whether published or unpublished, may not be posted to any website or blog.
Staff members may not blog about the Daily News or their fellow employees in a disparaging manner.
The policy itself is rather pedestrian, but the fact that it even exists — especially that last bit — suggests a bit of a agitation around the office. You can imagine the rest of the memo: Staffers may only blog about cats and indie rock, etc.