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About two hours ago, a cement truck overturned and slid off a road in the Hollywood Hills (map here, just because maps are fun), where it now dangles, threatening to crush several homes. We now take you to the scene of the incident, where the Defamer Special Correspondent on Holy Shit, There's A Teetering Cement Truck In My Backyard gives us an update on how this might affect the real estate values and/or exercising patterns of local celebrities:

OMFG, this is such over the top production values, very Bruckheimer-esque. The house they zoom in on is MY BACKYARD and my house! Kathy Griffin lives a block away on Woodrow Wilson, but I think she is off with Rosie O'Donnell on that lesbian cruise so she's likely unaffected...this may affect Jake and Matthew's jogging habits, however.

I am on my deck now, looking up at the truck! Channel 2 just set up a truck outside. This is so surreal, you have no idea!

We sincerely hope that the emergency personnel on hand can prevent the situation from progressing even further into Bruckheimerian surreality and secure the truck before it inexplicably launches 30 feet into the air, rotating end-over-end several times before bursting into flames and plummeting into someone's infinity pool.

Updates as they become available.