Short Ends: Don't Worry, The Mel Gibson Links Are At The End

· Well, at least no one's going to accuse Maggie Gyllenhaal of faking her pregnancy. Is that mean? Maybe we've still got unresolved betrayal issues about her carrying another man's seed.
· Compared to the chick who got too friendly with the serial killer, the one who thinks she's the reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe seems like the definition of sanity itself.
· Lost's Naveen Andrew takes the crucial, early steps toward fathering another bastard.
Get ready, because here comes the end-of-day Mel Gibson link dump: The Mel Gibson sheriff video; the Mel Gibson disturbing face morph; Mel Gibson: another t-shirt; Mel Gibson: the bumper sticker; Mel Gibson: the homophobic comments of 1993; Mel Gibson's upcoming contrition tour; Mel Gibson: the naughty dog who ate Elvis' teddy bear. Wait, what?