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Is there anything quite so exciting as the idea of her Vogueness Anna Wintour conducting a makeover? Of course, the makeover isn't for some woefully unpretty soul that the editor may have taken pity on; it's for Wintour's office, her gleaming white power cave. Apparently the set designer for Devil Wears Prada got things a little too right, as Meryl Streep's on-screen office so closely resembled that of the totally-not-an-inspiration Wintour that, according to a Vogue spokesperson, the space "ceased to feel personal." And we just know how important personal touches are to Wintour — a cross-stitched pillow here, a Precious Moments figurine there. Should be fabulous.

Memo Pad [WWD]
Earlier: Anna Wintour's Sparkling Hamptons Palace