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Two insidery tips about the Google CEO arrived this week. Eric Schmidt's request that photographers hide pictures of him and his wife becomes so much clearer with these details. Tipster 1 says:

Schmidt blocked photos of he and his wife while up at his new $16million home in Nantucket. Maybe his girlfriend Marcy Simon would be upset as she waited in the house he recently purchased for her in New York's Fire Island for only $1million. He was a frequent visitor out in Fire Island last year but he has not been seen there yet this summer. All leads to credence that he doesn't want to upset the PR diva.

Tipster 2 says:

Good posting yesterday regarding Eric Schmidt and not allowing photos of he and his wife. Probably was real sensitive about it as he is away in France for the week with his girlfriend Marcy Simon for her annual birthday trip with him. Last year is was Lake Como, Italy.

In related news, Valleywag needs an agent who can visit the Redwood City courthouse. E-mail to volunteer.

Earlier: Please don't photograph the Google CEO and his wife; his girlfriend would flip