
Google Chairman Arrives In North Korea to Examine North Korea's Non-Existent Social Media

Adrian Chen · 01/07/13 11:46AM

Google chairman Eric Schmidt arrived in Pyongyang today for the start of a controversial trip to North Korea on a "private humanitarian mission" with former New Mexico governor Bill Richardson. The State Department isn't too keen on the visit, coming so soon after North Korea pissed off the world by launching a satellite into orbit. But Eric Schmidt does what he wants, because he is from The Internet, and The Internet heeds no mortal law.

After Three Mistresses, Google's Chairman Still Adores His Wife

Ryan Tate · 04/03/12 09:13PM

Eric Schmidt has either gone through a sudden midlife transformation or is a hopelessly tangled web of contradictions. Either way, the Google chairman and longtime CEO wants to make one thing clear: He is still devoted to his wife, despite all the, you know, extramarital girlfriends.

Googlers Must Denounce Evil, Says Google's Ex-Mastermind

Ryan Tate · 03/21/12 05:15PM

It's been almost one year since Eric Schmidt stepped down as CEO of Google, and sometimes it seems like he's experienced a midlife identity crisis. Schmidt drives a Ferrari, will reportedly divorce his wife, and now he's calling on programmers, like those at Google, to speak out against any evil practices their bosses ask them to perform.

Google Says Please Apply in Writing To Enter Search Results

Ryan Tate · 01/11/12 02:55PM

You never call, you never write, and Google has had it: If you would like entry into the spiffy new Google search results, and you are a social network, Google would like you to send the company a letter first.

Stephen Colbert Salutes Google for Spreading Santorum

Matt Cherette · 09/27/11 03:08AM

Before Radiohead took the reins on tonight's Report, Stephen Colbert made sure to get in a few words about just how smitten he is with Google for its recent one-two punch of anarchy—first, by denying Rick Santorum's request to wipe his Santorum from its results page, and then by sending feisty chairman Eric Schmidt into a Senate panel investigating allegations the company practiced search discrimination against certain competitors.

Watch Google Describe How It Can Exploit Your Name

Ryan Tate · 08/29/11 08:59PM

People have been complaining that, by requiring real names, Google Plus trades your privacy for Google's bottom line. So Google's chairman just assured a crowd in Scotland that, in actuality, the social network trades your privacy for some frickin' awesome enhancements to Google's bottom line.

Kim Kardashian's Wedding Will Be Hosted By Tech Royalty

Ryan Tate · 08/17/11 10:20PM

Kim Kardashian's wedding, complete with Justin Bieber and dresses and a cake priced at $20,000+, will be a thoroughly Hollywood affair. But it wouldn't have been possible without Silicon Valley's indulgence.

The Horribly Dressed Men of Tech

Ryan Tate · 08/03/11 04:55PM

GQ released a list of the "15 worst dressed men in tech," which is a bit like shooting fish in a barrel; engineers are hardly known as fashion plates. Indeed, the magazine was so overwhelmed with badly dressed techies it left a few people off its list.

Google Honcho Admits 'I Screwed Up' Against Facebook

Ryan Tate · 06/01/11 01:53PM

Eric Schmidt is sorry he let Facebook walk away with the entire social networking market. The Google chairman and CEO said he knew about the threat several years ago, but didn't address it. Distracted, much?

Google Co-Founder's Surprising War on Multitasking

Adrian Chen · 03/25/11 03:16PM

Google co-founder Larry Page is set to take over as CEO of Google when Eric Schmidt steps down on April 4th. He's already started instituting some changes to streamline bureaucracy in an attempt to help the massive company return to its startup roots. And according to the Wall Street Journal, Page doesn't want Googlers distracted during meetings:

Obama Is Thinking of Naming Eric Schmidt as Commerce Secretary?

Adrian Chen · 03/18/11 05:56PM

Eric Schmidt has already expressed interest in a book deal and a TV show. But is politics where he's actually headed after his stint at Google is up in April? Rumor has it Obama is "close to naming" Google CEO Eric Schmidt as Secretary of Commerce. This would be an OK idea as long as Schmidt never opens his mouth or offers his weird opinion on anything. Maybe he'll know how to help Obama boost productivity by spying on idle workers in Google Street View.

Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg Wined and Dined by Obama

Adrian Chen · 02/18/11 11:17AM

Steve Jobs, rumored to be dying of cancer, was healthy enough to sit beside Obama at a dinner for tech moguls in San Francisco last night. Also in attendance: Mark Zuckerberg, who was pried out of his hoodie for the occasion, Google CEO Eric Schmidt, Yahoo! chief Carol Bartz and Twitter CEO Dick Costolo.

Eric Schmidt Wants a TV Show

Ryan Tate · 01/24/11 02:46PM

Google's soon-to-be-ex CEO reportedly filmed a pilot for CNN as part of a year-long effort to find a TV job. The only problem: It was really, really bad.

Tech's Winners and Losers of 2010

Ryan Tate · 12/28/10 01:00PM

Technology seemed especially relevant in 2010, what with The Social Network's blockbuster receipts and mass mania for Apple's iPad and iPhone 4. The newfound attention helped turned some techies into genuine stars — while lending others real worldwide infamy.