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If one was less than stoked about Rosie O'Donnell September 5 debut on The View, maybe this will change your mind: cookies and juice! Hot to trot the path to marketing whoredom, O'Donnell is already fluffing sponsors left and right for giveaways and freebies. But the best part is the strange pairing of these two sentences, with no particular attempt to explain how one follows the other:

[ABC daytime president, Brian] Frons said "The View" will be making a few set changes come fall, such as bringing the audience closer to the stage. Ms. O'Donnell's homosexuality could provide an interesting new theme for the women this season.

It's all about trying new things, girls, right there in front of that newly close audience. Wait till you see what they do with the Lunchables.

'The View' Plans Increased Sponsor, Ad Activity [Ad Age]
