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Old Media doesn't die, it just falls behind. Occasionally newspapers take some extra time to catch up to blogs with news coverage. Sometimes they add to the discussion, but often it's just yesterday's news. Today, for example:

  • Someone finally told the Wall Street Journal about last month's "series of tubes" meme, inspired by Senator Ted Stevens' bizarre June speech about the Internet. Value add: The Journal interviews Paul Holcomb, creator of the Tubular techno remix (mp3). [WSJ]
  • The Washington Post comes a day late to AOL's records-releasing fiasco and subsequent apology. Value add: Just a couple of obvious quotes for context, any of which could have been gleaned online yesterday. [Washington Post]
  • The Mercury News discovers that yesterday, Google and Viacom cut a video distribution deal. Value add: Nothing, really; every other newspaper and blog already covered this. [Mercury News]