• Still not tired of partying at 111 Minna? Following up last night's WWDC party at the San Fran venue is, well, tonight's WWDC party at the San Fran venue. Mac developers and any and all fanfolk can skip right into this free event. [WebKit Open Source Party]
  • Only attendees at the Search Engine Strategies conference can come to Google's fifth annual dance. Or people with forged SES badges and invitations. [Google Dance 2006]
  • Yahoo's Ajax evangelist and WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg speak at tonight's BayCHI meeting in Palo Alto. Matt has a 12-step system, and it's not for getting off the Kool-Aid; it's for going from user #1 to user #100,000, something Matt did with both WordPress.org and WordPress.com. [BayCHI.org]