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As a reader reported Wednesday, Eric Schmidt occasionally skips the sink on his way out from the urinal. Now, maybe the Google CEO (seen here infecting NASA) is used to the bidet-equipped bathrooms on the Googleplex, but there's just no way to use a urinal without needing a little soap and water — if not for germs, at least for appearances.

So who is at risk for whatever diseases breed on Eric Schmidt's body, through a handshake? Probably these folks:

  • Google founders Larry and Sergey
  • Everyone on this list
  • Anyone at this week's Search Engine Strategies conference
  • Google blogger Matt Cutts
  • Visiting corporate dignitaries
  • Whoever at Myspace recently negotiated a deal with Google

What about you? The first reader to send in a picture of themselves shaking Eric Schmidt's unwashed hands gets admission to the next Bay Area party where I have an +1 invitation — maybe a Stirr Mixer, maybe another Om Malik party, maybe even the Google Christmas party, where you can re-enact the risky encounter.

Earlier: Nerdspotting: Eric Schmidt doesn't wash his hands [Valleywag]