After soiling ourselves with fear over yesterday's foiling of the air terror plot, we decided to see how the story was being covered in the media. It was a fairly predictable series of packages designed to once again liberate your bowels from their contents (our particular favorite moment came when ABC's Chris Cuomo gravely informed us that "hair gel can be made into a bomb nicknamed 'The Mother of Satan'.") One local channel, however, went above and beyond the call of duty: Fox 5 summoned up the expertise of Bernard Kerik, former police commissioner, and recent subject of a photo-shoot for Bronx prosecutors. Bernie's currently busy solving the mystery of the missing million, so you've got to consider Kerik a pretty good "get" for Fox. And the Feds.

Feds Investigate Ex-NYPD Commisioner Kerik [FOXNews]
Bernard Kerik Mug Shot [TSG]

Earlier: Howard Safir Went to the Oscars and All I Got Was My Name Taken Off That Lousy Jail