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Last night News gossip Ben Widdicombe and T (the NYT Style book) bigwig Horacio Silva threw a little party at Silva's charming apartment. The soiree was in honor of Lee Tulloch, whose Fabulous Nobodies is being republished on its twentieth anniversary. We dispatched Intern Neel, whose coverage follows, along with the fine work of Gawker lensman Nikola Tamindzic.

In our infinite wisdom, we showed up already intoxicated and way late. So late, in fact, that we got there just as everyone else was on their way out, though we'd like to think that was more random happenstance than cause-effect. Thankfully, we can extrapolate with 99% certainty what went on in the hours preceding our arrival using a top-secret Media Party Template we had mocked up specifically for situations like this:

1) Lots of drinking
2) Lots of idle chit-chat
3) Lots of discussing where everyone's going next

Rush and Molloy graduate Chris Rovzar stuck around just long enough to tell us he's quite excited about his upcoming Fulbright scholarship, in which he'll be studying gay marriages in Madrid (fear not, New York queens: the Daily News is keeping a spot for him when he gets back). Radar's Jeff Bercovici stuck around just long enough to tell us he was leaving. Gatecrasher and party co-host Ben Widdicombe stuck around to ply us with red wine.

Sufficiently plied, we asked Ms. Tulloch, the woman of the hour, whether she suffered any guilt over indirectly paving the way for the Weisbergers of the world. "Well," she said carefully, "at least it gives you something to do on the beach." That's one way to spin it.

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Chris Rovzar and unidentified female

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Jo Piazza and Mariana Nolan

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Heather Lylas and Mark Ellwood

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Troy and Ann Shocket

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Ben Crawford and Lee Carter

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Corynne Steindler and Jeff Bercovici

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Miguel Enamorado and Corinna Stringer

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Yana Kamps and Cator Sparks and unidentified female

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Cator Sparks and unidentified female

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Prabal Gurung, Damien Nunes and Hanuk

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Prabal, Damien, Hanuk and Yana

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David Hauslaib

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Lee Carter, Horacio Silva and unidentified female

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Lolita Amos

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Jo Piazza

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Cator Sparks and Chris Rovzar

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Lee Tulloch

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Ben Widdicombe and Horacio Silva

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Yana Kamps & Damien Nunes