Last night, Yelp held a fantastic bash for its users, giving geeks a lesson in real San Francisco partying. Valleywag intern Beth Gottfried dug through the photos by Mitchell Aidelbaum and added commentary.

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Like a series of tubes, interconnected.

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"Maybe if I close my eyes I can pretend I'm not inhaling."

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"MUCH better than butter, Russel."

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"Dude, They're Siamese. I swear! I can put my hand on both their shoulders."

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"I was told there would be cute Emo boys. Where are the cute Emo boys?"

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"We're so strung out. Ha ha, our little joke. Actually pulling this string undoes her dress."

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"Honey, you know I only like being touched there at GigaOM Events."

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"There are free passes if I'm press or if I promise to kiss girls."

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"Those Web 2.0 Hotties can eat me."

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"Wait. How can you be taking a picture of me if...I'm so confused!"

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"I'm too hip to care."

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"It's really unkind of you not to forward the casual dress memo."

Photos: Yelp Elite at SFMOMA [Mitchell Aidelbaum on Flickr]