Clothing Catalog Trades Metaphors for Actual Porn

French clothier Shai has made a name for itself not so much with its products as with its hardcore porn online video catalogs. Porning up your morning is easy — just choose your preferred gender combo, and the selected models briefly repose in a Shai ensemble before stripping and going at it like the pornstars they actually are. (This is about as NSFW as it gets, so consider yourself warned.) Oh yeah, you can actually find out about the clothes during their brief appearance; mousing over the green dots freezes the video and brings up details on the relevant article. Fleshbot was on this months ago of course, but it took the Los Angeles Times to bring us the money quote from our national purveyor of adversexuality, American Apparel. Wonderfully named AA spokesperson Alexandra Spunt quoth:
I don't disagree with combining the mediums of porn and advertising and the Internet. I just like keeping a little bit of mystery. Often that's a little bit sexier.
Personally, we love the little bit of mystery provided by AA employees' various wet t-shirts.
Web Ads Show Just How Sexy These Clothes Make You Feel [LAT via Medialoper]
Shai SexPacking [Official site]